
Youssef from Jordan

Attended the RC04 Linguistics and Communication Course (PTK)

Youssef faced challenges with isolation and being overwhelmed in the UK, which impacted his communication skills. However, after attending the course, he enhanced his listening abilities with patients, effectively resolved conflicts at work, and became more open with senior colleagues, receiving valuable support. Engaging in role-playing exercises also contributed to boosting his confidence. As a result, he now communicates better with others, feels more assured in his job, and has reached personal milestones such as passing his driving test.

Magda struggled with breaking bad news
Attended -
RC06 Overcoming Communication Barriers (OCB)

We roleplayed many subjects with Magda including completing DNR form with patients - covering warning shot, checking understanding, finding forms of words – and not getting stuck to a fixed script.

Clara from Nigeria

Attended - RC04 Linguistics and Communication Course (PTK)

Clara felt her thick Nigerian accent was hindering her. She sought help for work-related anxiety. We focused on presentation skills, confidence, and communication, addressing various workplace challenges like discussing religion and handling angry patients through role-playing exercises. Through the sessions her confidence grew. She became more relaxed, slowed her speech and pausing, reduced filler words, and enjoyed better communication flow.

Hasan, a primary care worker from Pakistan

Attended - RC04 Linguistics and Communication Course (PTK)

Hasan faced language barriers when he moved to the UK. He struggled to understand colleagues and patients initially, leading to a bullying incident. By embracing mistakes, seeking corrections, and practicing English with his children, Hasan improved his language skills and confidence. Within a few sessions he reported to then understand 90% of conversations, read with his children, and enjoy free communication with his patients..

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